Satchmo: a master at work


iron-manYesterday, while trading comments with a student (ZacAttack) on this blog, I made reference to a player who’s nothing short of legendary. The player’s name? Joe Satriani. Poor Zac didn’t know who Joe was, so I told him I’d try to get a video posted of Joe in action…



Yesterday, while trading comments with a student (ZacAttack) on this blog, I made reference to a player who’s nothing short of legendary. The player’s name? Joe Satriani. Poor Zac didn’t know who Joe was, so I told him I’d try to get a video posted of Joe in action.

Anyway, there’s a lot I could say about Joe. I could talk about his cerebral approach to the instrument. I could go on about how well he blends the aggression of a shredder with the finesse and feel of a slow-hand player–how he’s not only a great player, but how he comes off in interviews and master classes as a humble, regular, totally approachable guy. But I won’t…LOL. Instead, I’ll let you see and hear the master for yourself. Watch the video and enjoy!


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