And the GT Player of the Month for September is…

Each month at Guitar Therapy I recognize a player who embodies the kind of drive, determination, and dedication it takes to become an exceptional guitarist. And each month it’s always difficult to choose who that guitarist will be, because I have so many dedicated students. This month was no exception as I pondered the candidates for GT Player of the Month.

Each month at Guitar Therapy I recognize a player who embodies the kind of drive, determination, and dedication it takes to become an exceptional guitarist. And each month it’s always difficult to choose who that guitarist will be, because I have so many dedicated students. This month was no exception as I pondered the candidates for GT Player of the Month.

After  much deliberation, I chose Zac Bruner as the GT Player of the Month for September. Over the past month Zac has shown consideral improvement across the board in his chops. When he plays, he does so with an intense focus and drive which is rare in a student his age. He practices harder and smarter, because he knows he’ll never really tap his limitless potential unless he puts forth extended effort, with an eye toward quality.  He’s both a perfectionist and a realist in that sense.

As a teacher, I always appreciate it when a student shows up prepared and ready to learn. Zac never disappoints me. It’s inspiring to see someone so young with that kind of maturity and focus. How focused is he? I’m glad you asked. Sometimes when Zac is playing for me, he is so intently concentrating on the music, it’s as though he forgets I’m even in the room. He just kind of gets lost in the music for a moment and you can tell he’s in a state of Zen with his axe. Therefore, I’m proud to name Zac as the winner of this month’s award.

For his hard work and can-do attitude, Zac will be given up to two guitar related accessories courtesy of Conrad Music Service. Zac will also be eligible for the GT Player of the Year Award. The winner of this award will receive a grand prize (YTBA) and have bragging rights as the GT Player of the Year for 2010.

Congratulations Zac on a Job well done!

Thanks to all GT Students for your hard work and dedication.

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