Terms and Conditions

Before using this site, you must agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

  1. You agree to treat everyone in the blog, forum and social networking sections of this site with respect and decency. Inflammatory comments, defamatory posts, and incendiary attacks on users of this site will not be tolerated. Flamers, spammers, trolls, and other internet riff raff will be banned on the spot.
  2. You agree to never use profanity of any kind on this site. This includes emails, IMs, and PMs sent through the Guitar Therapy website, as well as any communication in the Guitar Therapy blog, forum, or social network.
  3. You agree not to use this site for the purpose of distributing pornographic images or other illicit materials. This includes the Guitar Therapy blog, forum and social network. Failure to abide by this rule will result in immediate banning from this site.
  4. You understand and agree that Guitar Therapy can revoke your membership for any reason or for no reason at all. Further, the granting of membership or levying of membership suspension is entirely at the discretion of Guitar Therapy.

Guitar Therapy does not warrant that the teachings of its instructor(s) will meet your expectations concerning proficiency with the guitar or performance of instruments and related gear recommended by its instructor(s), contractor(s) or subcontractor(s). It is understood that any progress and/or skill with the guitar is the sole responsibility of the student. Further, it is understood that any advice given by Guitar Therapy and its instructor(s), contractor(s), or subcontractor(s) on the purchase of instruments and peripherals (referred to elsewhere on this site as “gear,” “outboard gear,”) constitutes our opinion. This also includes advice or instruction concerning any approach to the instrument, i.e., instruction, practice, warm-up techniques, et al. As such, you alone are responsible for acting on our advice. In no event will Guitar Therapy or its instructor(s), contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) be liable to you, our clients, or any third party for damages incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind. Nor will we be held responsible for the performance of recommended instruments, gear, outboard gear, or warranties/verbal agreements with vendors and/or merchants recommended by Guitar Therapy, its instructor(s), contractor(s), or subcontractor(s).

Users are invited to help us keep this site a safe and friendly zone on the web. If you see objectionable material posted anywhere onsite, please report it to a site administrator. This includes links, comments, images, videos and iframes displayed on the Guitar Therapy site.

This website is monitored by JoomlaWatch, the most powerful stats and user tracking program on the planet for Joomla CMS. In using this site you understand that your I.P., location, and page views will be logged in the Guitar Therapy data base. The information is kept confidential and is used for the protection of both the Guitar Therapy website and its members.

Thank you.

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